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Posted by SANDRAM 26 Sept 2011 - 3:54:00 PM

I just discovered your website and love it. I thought that I would try and keep track of the existing plants and new plants in my garden in the "your profile" section. Unfortunately some of the plants that I have searched for are not in the database. Is there anyway that we can request plants (with all the lovely descriptions) to be added to the database?


Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 27 Sept 2011 - 9:51:00 AM

Welcome. You've hit on a good idea straight off.
No better place than here to request new plants. New ones are always being added. Some of yours might be on stand-by but just reply telling us what they are and we'd be happy to give them some priority.

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Plant of the Day

Settlers' Flax

Plant type: evergreen soft-wooded perennial
H: 2m W: 1.5m
Sunlight: warm low sun to dappled light

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sculpting - use

Fast Facts

sculpting - use
Sculpting with plants takes some patience and skill. The results are an impressive curiosity but much of the joy is in the creation.


Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is ideally suited as a lawn in many applications.

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